Wendy Hall

Wendy  Hall was born in Melbourne and has holidayed and lived on the Mornington Peninsula for many years.  She studied Art and Design at Prahran and has worked as a senior secondary school art teacher.  She now works from her home studio in Frankston.

Light and colour have always been an interest.  The subtle differences between times of day, times of year and different locations have always been a focus.  In more recent times, trips to China India,Thailand and New Zealand have expanded her work and interests.

Her love of the Australian coastline and countryside comes through strongly in her water-colours.   Visually they capture the mood and light of these scenes.

Wendy has exhibited through most of the major exhibitions on the Mornington Peninsula.  She is strongly represented in the McClelland Guild Gallery .

Wendy is a member of AGRA, The Peninsula Arts Society Inc, and The McClelland Guild of Artists.